Like mother, like daughter. It reminds me of Death in Venice. It's a longing for youth and beauty. I never understood why women's foot are sexual to men. I sympathize Humbert in the end. There are all forms of love. He just loved Lolita a lot.
King of the monster! Savior of the city! 前几天看的《我故意没有穿内裤坐公车让》旧金山和金门大桥全数被毁而这部年份先于前者的片旧金山和金门大桥就已遭遇过一次海啸和大肆毁坏好惨啊剃了平头的Aaron Taylor-Johnson真的像极了Logan Lerman(和墙花在《性VODAFONEWIFI另类老少性》里的军人造型如出一辙)看得全程出戏ATJ和奥妹演复联兄妹前便先演了情侣邪恶得不忍直视(¬∀¬)σ 白丝短裙疯狂输出娇喘大佬霸气冲天喷出火焰惊艳绚丽看了这部之后才更加明白白丝短裙疯狂输出娇喘是正派All hail Godzilla!!!!